Saturday, February 14, 2009


I had to postpone my Thursday polling due to illness, but we're ready today. I'll leave this up for voting until Monday or Tuesday, and then I'll start my new goal next week.

In the meantime, I did all of my 21 days of workouts before I got sick, so I was very glad to have accomplished that goal. I returned to my workout today and I feel great and I'm noticing some more nice changes in my muscles. I'm excited to keep working out and to add a new goal next week. Line upon line.

Some Notes:
These are my personal goals - I hope that if some of you guys are already pros at this stuff, you are glad that I'm trying to get better (and hopefully you don't think I'm gross or ridiculous).
One of these options was "Increase the daily workout from 15 min to 30 min every day," but I've already been doing this, and I just felt like putting it on here would undermine the fact that I've already committed to do this. So off it went.

Also, if you want to start your own goals and you want to keep track, consider using
They have some handy tools and hundreds of goal ideas taken from other site users.

1 comment:

Barney Family said...

Wow. I thought those were some pretty awesome goals you thought of. All of them are worthwhile. Wish I could join you, but right now my only ambition--keep up with my life.