Monday, March 9, 2009

Plain English

This week I'm going to start teaching a class on blogging at the library. For our first class, we have to start with the basics: i.e. what is a blog? My co-workers told me that there was a video online that I could use that it is simple and easy-to-understand.

So I watched it, and not only was it simple and well-done, it was just... fun. Very visual ... more visual than just showing a video of someone's computer screen, because this is more mobile. Check it out:

So I did a little digging and found out that the people producing these videos are a little husband-and-wife team working out of Seattle. And they produce a lot of these simple, basic educational videos for businesses and schools. Brilliant!

I wanted to do a plug for them because I think what they're doing is pretty cool. Some of my other favorite videos from them are:

(I think everyone should watch this first one)
RSS In Plain English
Investing Money in Plain English

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